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Natalie Pascale Boisseau 
Natalie Pascale Boisseau is writing a memoir Migrations, Exiles and the Long Return, a journey through the landscape of maternal suicide, an exploration of being alive and safe in the long wake following the suicide of her mother, her migrations across the North American continent, from one shore to the other, and her healing since she was thirteen years old. She weaves in the writing her journey as a healer – as acupuncturist for the last 15 years – and meditation and contemplative practitioner. In 2023, 4Culture has granted an award for her literary project.
Natalie Pascale is also concurrently writing a collection of short essays Reflections of a Franco-North American Woman, in addition to poems, personal essays and the beginning of a novel. She has published the story The Chipped Little Pitcher by Crab Creek Review (August 2022); the essay Cherry Season published by Isele Magazine (June 2021), on aliveness and healing from life threatening illnesses and the trauma of surviving the suicides in her family; the story Time Capsule, in the anthology Unmuted: Stories of Courage and Resilience by GenPride in October 2020. She has also published the story Le Terrain Vague with Les Écrits des Forges. Raven Chronicle Magazine has published poems and stories, one selected in the 2023 anthology This Light Called Darkness. She has written book reviews for Raven Chronicle Press and articles on the creative process of the Cirque du Soleil. As a journalist and author, she was awarded the Best Specialized Articles in Quebec in 1990 on First Native social and legal issues, to help close the divide between first nations and the legal community. Her life work includes being a former copyright attorney, currently practicing as an acupuncturist north of Seattle, and saving a forest near her new home in Lake Forest Park, WA
Natalie Pascale is a bilingual writer, in French and English, who grew up in Montreal in the province of Québec, she started school in Pascagoula, Mississippi and she currently lives in Seattle, Washington state. The  landscapes of the St-Lawrence River and the Salish Sea are recurrent territories in her writing.  Natalie Pascale facilitates the workshop “Writing from the Heart: The Writing Practice”, supporting generative writing with contemplative practices.

Thank you to 4Culture for the support and granting a 2023 awards.

Artist Statement
For me, writing is an act of being aware and alive, to fearlessly touch what has been exiled from my life, from our lives, and the winding journey one must take to be present. I share this sense of journey with the reader through peeling back layers to reach the core. When writing, I immerse myself in nature, meditation and exploring multiple truths. It is important to me, when crossing through traumatic imprints, to approach them with curiosity, aliveness, a sense of safety, and with joy. I write to experience a deep cultural communication that delves into communal landscapes and human connections.

Writing permits me to be aware of cultural imprints and inherited traits, and the invisible and visible scars of trauma that affect my life, that have been passed down from generation to another, and that may still reside in my living culture. Writing allows me to reveal the inside of both trauma and joy, to see how empathy connects or overwhelms us. Writing illuminates the universal quality of being human, faulty and imperfect, and engaged in patterns. Writing enables me to travel on a journey toward healing, to wholeness and freedom, to discover that being whole has always been close at hand. It is present as a potentiality all along.
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